
History and Vision

Our vision is to create a future where every child in Nevada has equal access to quality early childhood experiences, setting the foundation for lifelong success. Join us in this journey to build a brighter and more equitable future for our children and communities. 


Our advocacy efforts are driven by a powerful coalition of multi-sector partners, including the Children's Advocacy Alliance of Nevada, working together to advance critical policy and advocacy initiatives for early childhood development.

Nevada Hand 
Turning Point Inc. 
Tribal Minds 
Nevada Department of Education, Office of Early Education 
City of Henderson 
United Way of Southern Nevada 
Las Vegas Urban League - Early Childhood Connection 
Nevada Department of Health and Human Services 
Child Trends 
Division of Welfare and Support Services 
United Way of Northern Nevada 
Sunrise Children's Foundation 

NCIT Capacity-Building Hub 
Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada 
University of Nevada, Reno, Child and Family Research Center 
University of Nevada Cooperative Extension 
JK Belz and Associates 
Guinn Center 
Positively Kids 
University of Nevada Las Vegas, NV Institute for Children’s Research and Policy 
Nevada Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics 
Nevada Registry

Division of Child and Family Services 
Children's Cabinet 
UNLV School of Public Health 
Nevada Association for the Education of Young Children 
Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health 
Washoe County School District Family & School Partnerships 
Division of Health Care Financing and Policy 
Nevada Home Visiting 
Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada 
Obodo Collective 
Nevada Community Health Workers Association 

The Strong Start Coalition

Discover the organizations and institutions that contribute to our coalition's strength, driving impactful change for Nevada's children and families. 




In The News

Stay informed about the latest news and articles related to child care, maternal and child health, and our Strong Start Coalition's ongoing efforts to support early childhood development. 


Keep track of partner events and webinars that provide valuable insights and resources for early childhood education and advocacy.